Case Study - Moula Money

  Case Study

data quality management

Moula Money

TotalCheck streamlines online loan applications
Moula Money finance loans for small to medium businesses. The majority of this trade is done via their website  where customers fill out a loan application form.
Accurate customer details are essential to making the online loan application process simple and easy for both the customer and Moula Money. Usually when an online form has incorrect or incomplete details, it’s because the customer has accidentally entered an error. This can lead to frustrating error messages that create more mistakes. Either way, if the form isn’t filled out correctly, Moula Money can’t move forward with the application. Well aware of the pitfalls of online applications, Moula Money wanted to make sure they created a straightforward, positive user experience that starts with ease of use and ends with quick and simple loan approval.
“Highly satisfactory user experience in Moula Money’s online loan application”

Andrew Watt, COO – Moula Money

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